According to the King James Bible Is It a Sin to Divorce Then Marry the Same Man Again
God created marriage as an integral part of His plan to prosper His world and bless flesh. His want was; to visualize the relationship betwixt Christ and His bride, the church ane ; to meet men'due south and women's need for intimacy 2 , and finally to populate the earth with people who reflect His image iii . Considering marriage is critical to God'south mission of redeeming the world, Satan has made its destruction a priority. His strategy is to undermine the importance of marriage, minimize the effect divorce will take on the family and seduce people to embrace an alternate lifestyle.
Because God loves united states, He has provided clear instructions on how married couples tin can experience oneness and fulfill His vision for their wedlock four . By ways of His empowering Spirit and gospel of grace, He has provided not only the ways needed to honey and serve each other simply also the forgiveness and healing needed when their marriages fall short or fall apart. And through His church, He has provided a customs that tin give counsel and support in restoring them.
Application Points
Biblical Grounds for Divorce
God'southward want and design are for marriage to flourish for a lifetime. Simply in a fallen earth, there volition be cases when a person will break their vows and desert their mate. The Lord addresses these circumstances in His Word, providing two clear exceptions to His command to believers, not to divorce 5 .
- The commencement biblical basis for divorce is adultery. When Jesus was asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his married woman for any reason at all?". Jesus reiterated the idea of one human being and ane adult female in a personal, purposeful, and permanent human relationship. "For this reason, a human shall leave his father and female parent and be joined to his wife, and the ii shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but ane flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no human separate." 6 Then Jesus states clearly the exception, "And I say to you lot, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery." 7
- The second biblical ground for divorce is desertion past an unbelieving mate. The Campaigner Paul states, "If the unbelieving ane (mate) leaves, permit him leave; the brother or sister is non under bondage in such cases, but God has called us to peace." 8 If a believer is married to an unbeliever and the unbelieving mate wants to terminate the relationship (the word leave, chorizo, is a Greek term for divorce), the laic is not required ("nether chains") to preserve the marriage. It is important to note that desertion usually entails the concrete separation of a spouse by moving out of the marital home, but it can too include other forms of desertion of the union, including persistent and unrepentant corruption and habit.
In these cases, an offended mate has a biblical right to divorce their husband or married woman. At the same time, they should seek the Spirit'southward guidance and the wisdom of the Elders and Christian counselors in taking that step, cultivating a heart of forgiveness and an openness to relational reconciliation for the benefit of their family and to continue the door open up to God's purposes in the future. Nevertheless, the aggrieved spouse may come to regard the marriage every bit irreparably cleaved and pursue divorce. In this case, the elders of Fellowship will be supportive of the aggrieved spouse's decision and minister to him or her without reservation. If God confirms their decision, the church building will practise everything in its ability to stand up with them and their family.
Biblical Grounds for Remarriage
Whether a Christian who has divorced their mate on biblical grounds is costless to remarry is a question of scripture. Their spiritual status has not changed in any fashion in the eyes of the Lord or the church.
- Jesus gives permission for someone to remarry when adultery has taken place. "And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another adult female commits infidelity." ix Here, the phrase "and marries some other" raises the result of remarriage. Jesus states that divorcing a mate on the grounds of immorality frees the offended mate to remarry without committing adultery.
- Paul upholds the idea of permanency in matrimony x , whether it exist to a believer or unbeliever, yet gives permission for a believing mate to separate if deserted past an unbeliever. Paul states, "Yet if the unbelieving one leaves, let him leave; the blood brother or sister is not under chains (no longer bound) in such cases, only God has called us to peace." 11 According to Paul, because desertion severs the marital bonds an abased laic is not allowable to stay in this marriage. An implication of the marriage bonds being severed is that remarriage is possible, but we must acknowledge that remarriage is non specifically addressed by Paul in this passage.
And then, based on the to a higher place passages, remarriage following a biblical divorce for adultery seems explicitly permitted by Christ, and remarriage following a biblical divorce for abandonment past a non-believing spouse may be permitted as an implication of the teaching of Paul. The elders recognize that among orthodox evangelical churches there are alien interpretations of scripture concerning the possibility of remarriage in the case of biblical divorces. As such, nosotros do not assert that any particular interpretation is binding upon the consciences of our members.
At the aforementioned time, the Elders urge every member who is contemplating remarriage, an act which will likely cut off whatsoever possibility of reconciling with a erstwhile spouse, to patiently wrestle with this possible pace through prayer and study of these scriptures, seeking God'southward wisdom and direction and the counsel of pastors and elders. In this procedure, the Lord may affirm a life of singleness in His service which He commends as a skillful thing and empowers some individuals to enjoy, or He may provide the peace that remarriage is what is best. Ultimately, if an offended mate chooses, in consultation with and the concurrence of the elders, to pursue either singleness or biblical remarriage, the church and its Elders commit to fully comprehend, love and back up them in that pursuit. This includes our pastors officiating at weddings of those pursuing a remarriage following a biblical divorce.
But it is our conviction, withal, based on the articulate teachings of Jesus, that remarriage is not permitted in the case of an unbiblical divorce due to the continuation of the bonds of marriage in the eyes of God. Withal, while remarriage following an unbiblical divorce is a sin, it is not a special category of sin that is beyond God'south merciful grace. Those in an unbiblical marriage should not compound their error by divorcing their spouse, merely should instead confess and repent of their sin and bear fruit in their lives in keeping with that repentance.
Determining the Spiritual Country of a Mate
It is the responsibility of the elders to prayerfully discern and determine the spiritual country of the two parties. The Campaigner Paul writes that the church leadership is responsible to judge the spiritual nature of those in the church and for some causes, to remove any "so-called brother" 12 , who claims to know Christ but does not demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit. If the status of a mate is unclear, the Elders will establish a process to make up one's mind his/her walk with Christ through demonstrated faithfulness to biblical counsel. If further evaluation is needed a temporary separation or, in extreme circumstances, a permanent separation may be required to demonstrate a person'southward 18-carat faith.
It is incumbent on the church Elders not to allow anyone to be held hostage past the deliberate, sinful actions of a "so-called blood brother." Our model in taking these steps is God Himself, who divorced faithless Israel, saying, "And I saw all the adulteries of faithless State of israel and sent her away and gave her a writ of divorce." 13
The Church building's Responsibility Regarding Unbiblical Divorces
God gives clear directions on how the church should respond to a married man or married woman who divorces their mate without biblical grounds. His desire in taking these steps is to protect His church, name, and mission and pursue the disobedient mate. So when a person pursues an unbiblical divorce, the church has two scriptural responsibilities.
- We are to protect the spiritual life of the church. The Apostle Paul states that the spiritual leaders of the church building are to confront this beliefs and so that its presence in the body does not infect and affect the church. 14
- We are to strive to restore the erring member. Jesus tells us in Matthew eighteen that the shepherd who has a hundred sheep will go and search for the one who has strayed. 15 Our compassion moves us to pursue and restore the offending party. The remedy for an unbiblical divorce is the same every bit information technology is for whatever other sin: for both parties to demonstrate godly sorrow, repent of their sin, confess information technology and again believe in the Gospel. I manifestation of Godly sorrow and repentance is a centre of contrition and a desire to brand amends for the impairment acquired by the divorce. Every person who is repentant of the sin of an unbiblical divorce will exist restored to the full life of the church, in celebration of God's wonderful grace.
Spiritual Consideration Resulting from Unbiblical Divorces
- The pursuit of the Offended Mate – For the laic who has divorced their mate without biblical grounds, a sign of true repentance will be the want to restore the relationship with the person that has been divorced. This pursuit should seek to reestablish a spiritually healthy relationship. If the former mate is non remarried and is responsive, this pursuit should involve marital counseling to decide if God will restore the marriage.
- Remarriage of An Offending Mate – The biblical freedom to remarry is based on several factors including the individual's demonstrated repentance, their mate's marital status, and their grounds for divorce. The Elders volition piece of work with anyone because remarriage to help them determine beforehand their freedom to remarry.
The problems of Divorce and Remarriage are often very complicated. To assistance resolve these, God'south Word provides spiritual directives for our welfare in the messiness of our fallen world. The Church building is to help each person pursue Him, His plan for their life, and to see them get an agent of His grace, reflecting His forgiveness. Our position on these issues is not meant to address whatsoever members past actions or to bring any sense of shame for decisions fabricated without understanding God's commands concerning union. Our prayer is that all divorced and remarried brothers and sisters volition gladly affirm these scriptural statements either considering they believe their situation was Biblically legitimate, or because they now see that it was not, and are genuinely repentant as they expect back.
one Genesis i:26-28; 2 Ephesians v:21-33
; iii Genesis two:24
; 4 Ephesians 5:25-xxx
; 5 Mark 10:9
; 6 Matthew 19:three
; sevenMatthew 19:9
; 8 ane Corinthians vii:15
; 9 Matthew 19:ix
; 10 1 Corinthians 7:ten-xiv
; 11 1 Corinthians 7:15
; 12 one Corinthians 5:9-13
; 13 Jeremiah 3:8
; xiv 1 Corinthians 5:vi
; 15 Matthew 18:12-14
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